Finding Your Purpose in Seasons High and Low

Finding your purpose is something I believe to be really important as we journey through our stories and lives. As I keep growing and learning, I am realising that PURPOSE is the fuel that should drive us always in the high highs of life and it can light the fire in our hearts so well. In the lowest of the lows when we collapse in a heap; we also need purpose in order to put our feet one foot in front of the other and to keep going. We were MADE FOR MORE… SO MUCH MORE. I want to encourage you and to inspire you to find PURPOSE in every season, beautiful and challenging! There are practical things that we can do on the journey to clarified purposes, but also, please always remember – BE KIND TO YOU!

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Mahalia BowlesComment
Squad Goals – Going Deep (… and also a tribute to some of the most incredible women I know!)

Man, this blog is seeing me write about something that is so, so, so close to my heart! I am so pumped and I hope you are too, my precious reader!! Here’s the thing; we were not made to do life alone, it’s not in our DNA! We were made to live this crazy life with wonderful people by our sides that lift us up when we’re struggling, remind us of who we are and also make us more of who we’re meant to be; and then we do the same for them as well! It is an exquisite blessing from God that we get the immense privilege to do life closely and deeply with others! It is something that I truly believe that we need to cultivate in our daily lives and it makes life more vivid, real and joy filled! Check out some wisdom from the incredible women in my life.

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Mahalia Bowles
Fighting the Joy Stealers

JOY!!!! I deeply love this word. For me, it’s what God wants our ‘happy’ to be as we live out the fullness of the life he has planned for us. For me, it explodes out of me when I meet a little girl and remind her that she is beautiful, valuable and a princess inside and out. It is there when I am reunited with my family after being away from them for months and I give them a HUGE hug. It’s there when I dance and sing and when I walk along the ocean and witness God’s exquisite creation. It pours out of me when I have a quality heart conversation with one of my soul sisters. It’s there when I eat a delicious dessert, a mango and when I watch a really good romantic comedy. It’s created in me as I spend time with my loving Heavenly Father and pursue relationship with him with my whole heart and it’s also in all that is pink and sparkles! What is ‘joy’ for you?? Answering this question will be life changing and enriching for you!

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Mahalia Bowles
Permission to BE YOU (absolutely and completely)!!!!!

Oh man, if I could bottle what it was like to be unapologetically yourself, I would!!!!! It is something that I feel so strongly about!!! The world becomes better, bolder and brighter when we allow ourselves to be all God created us to be!! Please join me on this journey of learning about yourself, your passions, your dreams and your calling! It is so worth it and will position you to have a greater, and far more effective, impact on the world around you. Let’s do this!

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Mahalia Bowles
A Princess Story

So this is it… I’m finally beginning to type words that feel like they have burned in my heart since I was very young and insisted on wearing a dress every day! I’m not joking; pants were not an option for me when I was five years old. I believe that my insistence on dresses came from deep within my heart where my Heavenly Father, had creatively and lovingly fashioned my identity, my passions and unique personality. Just like a precious jewel shines brilliantly when light hits it, the importance of my wearing dresses was an expression of my subconscious understanding as a young girl that I had been gifted with a royal identity. You have also been gifted with a royal identity, did you know that?

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